“Whether we are aware of it or not, every interaction we have is a training session.”

— Sophia Yin

Training your puppy or dog is critical to helping them be an enjoyable addition to your family. The links below address the most common issues people deal with when raising a puppy. We highly recommend using the Puppy Bootcamp Week One resource available on Amazon for the most concise and easy to follow basic training information.


Practical Puppy Training Week One

Wonderful resource for any puppy owner! Walks you through week one with your puppy using written description, photos, and QR codes to pull up demonstration videos!

How Kids SHOULD Interact With Dogs

How Kids Should NOT Interact With Dogs

How to Potty Train A Dog

When Dogs Forget Their House Training

Properly Crate Training Your Dog

Loose Leash Walking

Teaching Your Dog To Greet Without Jumping

Resource Guarding

Understand Why Your Dog Growls

What Causes Aggressive Dog Behavior

How To Make A Calm Dog

Dog Training & Behavior - Patricia McConnell PhD

Our favorite behaviorist and trainer that has resources that help with nearly every training or behavior issue.

The Dog Listener - Jan Fennell

Behavior, obedience, training. Material published in over 25 languages around the world!

The Art & Science of Animal Behavior - Sophia Yin

Veterinarian, behaviorist, expert on Low Stress Handling

Practical Puppy Training

Simple, easy to follow, practical puppy training resources for pet families.